John Reinhardt
With over 30 years’ experience in public works, Mr. Reinhardt is currently the Commissioner of the Town of Hempstead Department of Water, a position he has served in for the last 15 years. In his position with the Department of Water, Mr. Reinhardt oversees the daily operations of a 54 MGD water system with over 37,000 customer connections. In this roll, Mr. Reinhardt is responsible for system operations, physical plant and buildings and grounds maintenance at the Departments 33 wells as well as the maintenance and operation of over 380 miles of transmission and distribution water mains. In this roll, Mr. Reinhardt is responsible for developing and administering a multi-million-dollar annual capital improvements plan. In response to recent revisions to the New York State Drinking Water Standards with regards to 1,4 dioxane and PFOA/PFOS, Mr. Reinhardt is currently managing over $150 millions dollars in capital improvement projects on 22 wells throughout his districts. In addition to his role as Commissioner of Water, Mr. Reinhardt chairs and is a member of numerous contract and labor boards in the Town.
Mr. Reinhardt is a graduate of Pratt Institute in Brooklyn with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has served on numerous boards and committees concerning water resources and environmental matters including serving as Community Co-Chair for the North Bellmore restoration Advisory Board dealing with the clean-up of a former US Army maintenance facility and is currently serving on the CPWG for the Northrup-Grumman Plume. He has been a panelist on several round table discussions and regularly makes presentations on water quality and water conservation for community organizations.